Gojou Satoru - Character (107605) - AniDB (2024)


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Gojou Satoru - Character (107605) - AniDB (1)
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Main NameGojou Satoru(ch120774)
Official Nameja
Guise ofGojou Satoru (ch107605)
Date of Birth07.12.1989
Gender Identitymale
age rangeyoung adultSomeone is generally considered a young adult if they are between 20 to 40 years old.
lookswhite hairThe character has pure white hair., spiked hairThe hair is styled up into spikes.
personalitycarefreeA carefree person is free of worries, cares or concerns. This does not necessarily imply that they have no responsibilities or are negligent towards them; they are simply able to live out their lives in tranquility regardless of what happens., cunningA cunning person is characterized by being sly or apt at surreptitiousness; they are generally proficient at several forms of minor deceit such as avoiding providing the truth without resorting to lying, bending the rules by sticking to their letter rather than the spirit, or other similar tricks. This contrasts with a clever person, who has a sharp mind but doesn`t necessarily apply it to surreptitious behaviour.
supernatural abilitiesextrasensory perceptionExtrasensory perception (ESP), involves reception of information not gained through the recognized physical senses but sensed with the mind., extreme durabilityThe character possesses some sort of natural armor. It takes extreme amounts of damage to even injure, let alone kill him/her/it., extreme eyesightExtreme eyesight is exceptionally good eyesight, often near or at, or in theory sometimes even surpassing, the biological limits of one`s species. This often draws comparison to species that naturally have exceptionally good eyesight, such as hawks, hence the term hawkeye., extreme speedThe character has an astonishing speed, surpassing the Human limits., void magicVoid magic is a form of magic that usually deals with nothingness and denial of existence.
traitsphysically strongIn comparison to the norm, someone who is physically strong possesses superior, sometimes even unnatural, physical strength. Said strength usually allows them to win fights, or at least to last longer; stronger people are also normally able to withstand harsh conditions more easily than the rest, and even do things as simple as carrying heavy weights around. This tag also applies when a race is stronger than others (think the Sayajin), as long as said weaker races are also a part of the cast.
RatingN/A (2) (based on anime-character ratings)
Waifu2 users have this character as their husbando.
TrashYour husbando is 28% trash.
Added byhidden on 2021-11-04 21:06
Main NameGojou Satoru(ch120774)
Official Nameja
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Kitsune Fanclub

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ImageNameAnimeRelationPrimary Seiyuu?Comment
Gojou Satoru - Character (107605) - AniDB (8)Nakamura YuuichiGekijouban Jujutsu Kaisen 0main character inyes
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RelationImageNameEpisode appearanceTypeEpisodesYearRatingAverageAction
main character in Gekijouban Jujutsu Kaisen 0Movie120217.88 (1346)7.86 (1354)vote stats

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is the teacher of Okkotsu YuutamaleN/A (8)
kills Getou Sugurumale, 26N/A (9)


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Gojou Satoru - Character (107605) - AniDB (12)
  • Info
  • Names
Main NameGojou Satoru(ch128752)
Official Nameja
Guise ofGojou Satoru (ch107605)
Date of Birth07.12.1989
Gender Identitymale
abilitiescleverA clever or smart person is generally understood as having broad knowledge and the sharpness of mind required to put that knowledge to good use, especially when applying rational thought to long-reaching decisions, with the broad knowledge leaning more on the smart side and the sharp mind on the clever side. Unlike a genius, the clever person may be skilled, but only mundanely so, and in contrast to a cunning person, a clever person is not characterized by being sly or apt at surreptitiousness.
accessoriessunglassesA form of protective eye-wear designed primarily to prevent bright sunlight from damaging or discomforting the eyes. Also used as a fashion detail. For practical tagging purposes, sunglasses should not be considered glasses; apply only the "sunglasses" tag for sunglasses, not both. However, a character who wears prescription glasses with dark lenses or who wears both eyewear types should take both tags.
age rangeadolescentAn adolescent (teenager) is 13 to 19 years old.
clothingschool uniformA type of uniform worn in Japanese schools (called "seifuku" in Japanese), generally high school age or younger. They can vary considerably; commonly, females will wear a sailor uniform (modelled off the British Royal Navy uniforms in 1920) and males will often wear a "gakuran", which is a dark button-up uniform modelled off Prussian army uniforms. But expect to see a substantial amount of variety.
lookscyan eyesThis character has cyan color eyes., weird eyesEyes suggesting something supernatural., white hairThe character has pure white hair.
personalityconfidentno description set, iron-willedSomeone is said to be iron-willed when they are very resolute and determined. Once an iron-willed person decides on a course of action, no amount of hardship is able to deter them., proudno description set
rolestudentA student or pupil is a learner, or someone who attends an educational institution. The may be understood to mean only those enrolled in some sort of educational institution, but, in its widest use, it applies to anyone who is learning, including mid-career adults who are taking vocational education or returning to university, or younger researchers or artists learning from a more experienced colleague and mentor.
supernatural abilitiesmagicMagic is the art of purportedly manipulating aspects of reality either by supernatural means or through knowledge of unknown occult laws.
traitsphysically strongIn comparison to the norm, someone who is physically strong possesses superior, sometimes even unnatural, physical strength. Said strength usually allows them to win fights, or at least to last longer; stronger people are also normally able to withstand harsh conditions more easily than the rest, and even do things as simple as carrying heavy weights around. This tag also applies when a race is stronger than others (think the Sayajin), as long as said weaker races are also a part of the cast.
RatingN/A (3) (based on anime-character ratings)
Waifu1 users have this character as their husbando.
TrashYour husbando is 25% trash.
Added byhidden on 2022-12-17 10:32
Edited byhidden on 2023-04-24 14:47
Main NameGojou Satoru(ch128752)
Official Nameja
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Lelouch Lamperouge Fanclub

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Kitsune Fanclub

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Fairy Tail

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Kouzuki Kallen Fanclub

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Gasai Yuno Fanclub

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Members: 77

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Toaru Majutsu to Kagaku no Club

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Guu Fanclub

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Kill La Kill Fanclub

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Persona Fanclub

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Tamaki Fanclub

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Tenko Kuugen Fanclub

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ImageNameAnimeRelationPrimary Seiyuu?Comment
Gojou Satoru - Character (107605) - AniDB (27)Nakamura YuuichiJujutsu Kaisen (2023)secondary cast inyes
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RelationImageNameEpisode appearanceTypeEpisodesYearRatingAverageAction
secondary cast in Jujutsu Kaisen (2023)1-5TV Series2320237.98 (1071)7.87 (1082)vote stats

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friends with Getou SugurumaleN/A (2)
Ieiri ShoukofemaleN/A (4)
is the student of Yaga MasamichimaleN/A (0)
kills Fushiguro Toujimale6.54 (10)


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Gojou Satoru - Character (107605) - AniDB (33)
  • Info
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Main NameGojou Satoru (Youshouki)(ch135642)
Official Nameja
Guise ofGojou Satoru (ch107605)
Gender Identitymale
RatingN/A (2) (based on anime-character ratings)
Waifu1 users have this character as their husbando.
TrashYour husbando is 33% trash.
Added byhidden on 2023-10-05 18:24
Edited byhidden on 2023-10-05 18:24
Main NameGojou Satoru (Youshouki)(ch135642)
Official Nameja


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Gojou Satoru - Character (107605) - AniDB (34)Ise MariyaJujutsu Kaisen (2023)appears inyes
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RelationImageNameEpisode appearanceTypeEpisodesYearRatingAverageAction
appears in Jujutsu Kaisen (2023)3, 11TV Series2320237.98 (1071)7.87 (1082)vote stats
Gojou Satoru - Character (107605) - AniDB (2024)


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