When did Jolene Blalock turn black?
by DJ_Ziploc
Member since November 2004
Last time I checked, Jolene Blalock was white. I can list ten, maybe fifteen beautiful, brilliant, and talented black actresses, that could have done an equally, if not better acting job. The producers couldn't find one? I find it to be insulting that they put braids, and a fake tan on her, and they try to sell her off as black. We've been Bamboozled. I am quite disapointed. Not to mention the fact that five amazingly talented black actors appeared in this movie. I don't get it. Other than that I guess it was a pretty good movie, but I'm still watching it, so I may just be wrong. I just didn't particularly agree with the afore mentioned subject. McNasty.
Re: When did Jolene Blalock turn black?
by andrewwjohnson
Member since June 2005
Jolene Blalock recently said, in a iterview, that her father is a light skinned Afro-American. That means she didn't just turn black; she's always been black. I guess no one bothered to ask before now.
Just remember: I was as good as any and better then most-Vincent Freeman in Gattaca
Re: When did Jolene Blalock turn black?
by sxyrd45
Member since June 2005
there are alot of really light skinned mix people are round but what i wanted to say was that was the point the movie to find a movie that could seem both black or white or maybe both.
Re: When did Jolene Blalock turn black?
by andrewwjohnson
Member since June 2005
Maybe they thought it would be a hoot to have a black woman playing a white woman who is trying to be black.
Just remember: I was as good as any and better then most-Vincent Freeman in Gattaca
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Re: When did Jolene Blalock turn black?
by ichthus1
Member since January 2005
did you watch the movie? the ambiguity of her race is a major plot element. thandie newton or halle berry would not have been right, silly.
Re: When did Jolene Blalock turn black?
by Jaythestingray
Member since June 2005
I agree, this was the whole point of her character.
Re: When did Jolene Blalock turn black?
by official-jab
Member since December 2006
*jumps on the bandwagon*
Watch the movie, then post on the board!
-They may kick our ass, but they'll never kick our freedom!
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Re: When did Jolene Blalock turn black?
by storman
Member since July 2001
But its ok when a white character in a book or Comic book is made black for the movie version.
Re: When did Jolene Blalock turn black?
by stillvendetta
Member since May 2007
Obviously you didn't understand the movie and her role.
Re: When did Jolene Blalock turn black?
by dasimpson
Member since August 2004
did the person who started the subject watch the film?
she was a white woman pretending to be black. DUH
Re: When did Jolene Blalock turn black?
by » 13 years ago(August 17, 2011 07:01 PM) Reply|
Member since March 2003
I don't see how people didn't think she looked black. I have not watched the movie, but have seen the trailer and she looked like a mixed woman to me. I thought it was very convincing as I thought the actress was mixed in reality. As for why they didn't use a black woman, from the trailer I could tell that her race may have something to do with the plot and I haven't seen the full movie yet!
Re: When did Jolene Blalock turn black?
by billy_bass
Member since November 2005
Yeah in the Bone Collector series of books the guy is white. There were plenty of talented white actors that could have played the part but the picked Denzel Washington. Why is Hollywood so racist? Oh my God.
Re: When did Jolene Blalock turn black?
by Cyclops123
Member since May 2005
She looks 100% white to me.
Re: When did Jolene Blalock turn black?
by Ghosthunter123424
Member since March 2006
Catwoman was originally black, made white for the tv series/movies, nobody complained until Halle Berry was cast for Catwoman.
I understand your point though. It annoys me when characters race is changed to create a better audience draw. Its the reason why Samual Jackson was in the new Star Wars trilogy, purely because he could draw a crowd, the fact that he sucked in a sucky movie doesnt help anyone.
Re: When did Jolene Blalock turn black?
by storman
Member since July 2001
Jackson begged to be in Star Wars. He told Lucas that he would play any part even under a mask or even a back round scene. He is a major SWs fan & just wanted to be part of it in any way. His acting I think is more Lucas's fault than Jackson's.
Re: When did Jolene Blalock turn black?
by Ghosthunter123424
Member since March 2006
Actually no, they wanted an African American on the Jedi Council, they saught out Jackson because he has massive appeal to african american demographics with cross appeal to white demo's.
The only thing he got that he asked for was the colour of the sabre.
Re: When did Jolene Blalock turn black?
by storman
Member since July 2001
You are totally wrong!
"Was offered his role in Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999) after mentioning in an interview on UK TV show "TFI Friday" (1996) that he'd really like to work with George Lucas."
" In an interview, Jackson claimed that he did not have a chance to read the script for the film and did not learn he was playing the character Mace Windu until he was fitted for his costume (he later said that he was eager to accept any role, just for the chance to be a part of the Star Wars saga)."
"The search for an actor to play the character ended when Samuel L. Jackson expressed his desire to be in the next film, which the public would later learn was to be dubbed The Phantom Menace. Lucas then offered him the role"
Re: When did Jolene Blalock turn black?
by Ghosthunter123424
Member since March 2006
Don't be so naive, everyone wants to be in Star Wars, but thats not why they get the roles.
Re: When did Jolene Blalock turn black?
by storman
Member since July 2001
You can believe what you want, Later.
Re: When did Jolene Blalock turn black?
by Ghosthunter123424
Member since March 2006
kk, ttyl
Re: When did Jolene Blalock turn black?
by biancacastafiore
Member since June 10, 2020
What are you talking about? Catwoman was totally white when she first appeared.
Re: When did Jolene Blalock turn black?
by Scruffy1
Member since March 20, 2023
Correction, the original Catwoman was played by Ertha Kitt. Ms Kitt was a very talented, definitely black, lady. She was very good in the role, such as it was.
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Re: When did Jolene Blalock turn black?
by spade782-1
Member since October 2005
DJ Ziploc you missed the point of the film, that's why they choose her cause she could probably pass herself as black. Why get an actual black actress, that defeats the purpose of the character and of making the film.
Re: When did Jolene Blalock turn black?
by HeisenbergsLastStand
Member since February 2008
DJ Zigzag, why do people like you have to cry racism when you guys have a habit of not looking at the whole picture? I just think you need to watch the movie and use the brain that god gave you before you post.
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Re: When did Jolene Blalock turn black?
by mistresszhivago
Member since October 2004
Whatever her race, she looked RIDICULOUS in those braids and orange tan makeup. You can't have cheap/tacky comedy skit ghetto braids and behave extremely white. At least do the Bo Derek style - sheesh!
Re: When did Jolene Blalock turn black?
by Kelea7
Member since March 2002
I'll have to agree with you here mistresszhivago. I usually don't like getting into these things, and you know really I have no problem with Jolene Blalock in this part. But I don't like the tan and the braids. They should have just kept her normal look and gave her either the Bo Derek or full curls.
Just to acknowledge and address some points being made on this thread:
They said in the movie that she could pass for either, she was playing the part. And I think I read that Blalock's father was part blackso I give them kudosif this is so for trying to get someone convincing or at least who could have that air of mystery. That being said if someone saw her on the street they would just think she was a white woman with a bad weave. NOTHING in her looks and/or behavior in the beginning or in the club and the scenes with the braids fit the description LL's character described in the beginning. And there are racially mixed actresses who do look the partsomeone brought up Thandie Newton and Halle Berry, I hardly think anyone was suggesting that.
Anyway, I agree that her looking white was essential to the storyline, but at the same time, to most people she also had to be convincing as a streetwise bi-racial girl, at least at first glance or before they knew herMekhi acknowledges later on she looked maybe Mediterranean.
At the party, I really didn't like her hair.
So I can see where everyone's coming from but everything's a little one sided so I'm trying to be fair to all points of view..
***May your soul rise to heaven before the devil knows your dead***
Ghosts of Mississippi
Re: When did Jolene Blalock turn black?
by mistresszhivago
Member since October 2004
I finally watched the whole movie (I posted about Jolene during the movie BEFORE they explained that she was supposed to "pass" for black and white"). I logged in during the movie to find out why she was basically in "black face" with a bad braid job in what did not look like a comedy. The truth is, she didn't do a good job acting she moved and spoke the same way for both characters. The only difference is she tried to make her eyes look super sexy, like she was ready for sex right then and there (obviously from her personal belief in the stereotype of black women). So I guess they had to do something outlandish appearance-wise to make the statement she couldn't make in her acting.
Not to fall into the trap of a "particular" way she should act when black, but ANY distinction in characters on Jolene's part would have been better.
I'm trying to think of a good actress who could pass for both Halle, nope, not even Thandie, I thought Ari Nicole Parker, BEFORE I knew they were trying to get someone who could "pass" but not even here - these all look African American
I GOT IT!!!! Jennifer Beales!!!! Remember her from "Devil in a blue Dress?" She played the same type character (mixed heritage passing for white).
She would have been fantastic and brought authenticity and quality to the part and even raised the level of the film. It was REALLY hard to buy Makai and LL warming up to Jolene's character. It was a great story, but she was a plastic distraction. They were describing her in the old school detective monologues as a sexy, sultry temptress who could fool you into believing either. Jolene didn't measure up to that for me. I was like "Her?" They should have had an African American Hollywood stylist stick up a poster of Vivica Foxx and do Jolene's clothes, makeup and hair (modern weave, not braids) on the set.
2008 Photo: http://www.imdb.com/media/rm3958085376/nm0000884
Sooo could have knocked this one out of the park!
Re: When did Jolene Blalock turn black?
by Kelea7
Member since March 2002
Jennifer Beals is a good choice and there still are others, I'm sure. Actually I could name a few but I'm unsure of their acting ability. You know after I posted the other night I thought about her acting too. She really didn't switch it up. Now when I said I didn't mind her in this part, that's based on looks primarily. I'm not saying she had to try to do a typical ghetto girl accent, but she could definitely have approached each character differently.
This character could have been played by an unknownthey had enough stars in it as is.
***May your soul rise to heaven before the devil knows your dead***
Ghosts of Mississippi
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Re: When did Jolene Blalock turn black?
by seanymphette
Member since August 2004
JOLENE BLALOCK IS A BEAUTIFUL, BRILLIANT, AND TALENTED MULTIRACIAL ACTRESS! That's what the part called for (someone who could pass both ways), and that's how it was cast. I paid scant attention to the film, because I found the pace to be extremely tedious, but even in my bored stupor, it was crystal clear that the predominant plot device was her chameleonic ability to change her appearance racially. Hence the tagline: "The truth is just a trick of light". Hello? Did someone not get the point? If we laugh when Eddie Murphy portrays an old Jewish man in "Coming To America", or when the Wayans brothers portray "White Girls", then what difference does it make anyhow? Who better to portray a character who is capable of moving between the races, than an actress that is capable of it, no matter what race YOU want to label her? If you had bothered to pay any attention to Jolene Blalock in this film, and in any of her other acting performances (except Enterprise where her true beauty is deliberately obscured by makeup and prosthetics), you might have noticed that her natural skin color and hair texture reveal very subtle traits of her mixed race heritage. Even though her real skin color is not nearly as dark as it was in this film, it's hardly peaches & cream, it's just pale enough to pass for white. As a fellow mixed race woman, I can attest that she has exactly the same hair texture as me and my sister. Ignorant people like you are why actresses like Jolene Blalock can pass when they need to, to get a part. Finally, what purpose did your comment serve except to be racially divisive and prove that you clearly know nothing about the multitudes of variations in people who share part of your Black heritage? Get over yourself, we've moved beyond your antiquated labels, stereotypes, and prejudice.
AN AMERICAN MULTIRACIAL WOMAN (listed in the order of importance)
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Re: When did Jolene Blalock turn black?
by daylin
Member since August 2009
Wow lady!! Did you read both posts by our original poster? A comment was made before the entire film was watched and then an explanation was made. I hope you enjoyed your rant, which you were clearly incredibly anxious to make. Get over yourself.
Re: When did Jolene Blalock turn black?
by gg_uaw9669
Member since May 2004
Ummm, I just read your post, Mermaid, and Jolene ia in no way multi-racial. Not that that would be a problem, if she were, but, she's not. You should check it out before you go on a rant.
I've.seen things you people wouldn't believe; Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion.
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Re: When did Jolene Blalock turn black?
by gg_uaw9669
Member since May 2004
Ruth Negga, boy is she gorgeous.
I've.seen things you people wouldn't believe; Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion.
Re: When did Jolene Blalock turn black?
by stbsolo
Member since May 2005
I am full of it, thank you.
Re: When did Jolene Blalock turn black?
by wsandberg-1
Member since March 2004
You have been watching "Blade Runner" way to much.
Re: When did Jolene Blalock turn black?
by ElectricEye
Member since January 2002
I believe one of the main issues of the plot is that abiguity.
Protective, Detective, Electric Eye
Re: When did Jolene Blalock turn black?
by wsandberg-1
Member since March 2004
Hey guy, I don't think they were going down the path of having a black do the job. I think they were trying to do a job on the audience. They were feeding us someone white with the premise that she might be black leaving everyone wondering, for a long time, "is she or is she not"? I watched it with closed caption ( I was listing to other audio which I had to do), this lead to a confusing story. But on the screen it comes up several times, Is she or ain't she, after awhile I was wondering what the heck they trying to pull here making such a big deal of this point, as if it were a major point of the filmI don't get it!!! Did it make any sense to you why her race would matter to the plot of the film? Hell she could have been any race and it would all still be the same, well maybe if she was an alien from outer spacethat you might have noticed.
Re: When did Jolene Blalock turn black?
by SCP_One_Seven_Three
Member since December 2008
In the movie Jolene's character claimed she was biracial, but her lover (Mekhi Phifer) questions her background when he sees a family photo of her parents- which neither are black.
Jolene's character was basically a white woman trying to come off as biracial. I was confused with her casting as well at first.
Re: When did Jolene Blalock turn black?
by ravnla-55-110542
Member since May 2011
Dude that was one of the movie plots.She was white pretending to be part black to help her career. HMMMM didn't this just happen in real life a few months back?
Re: When did Jolene Blalock turn black?
by CCsito
Member since May 2009
You must be referring to Rachel Dolezal who was the head of the NAACP branch in Spokane, WA. She was accused of pretending to be black.
Re: When did Jolene Blalock turn black?
by AnthonyRocks
Member since December 22, 2020
Oh Good Grief!